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Rise of Voice Search and Its Impact on SEO and Content Strategy

Due to the huge impact that in-app chatbots, virtual assistants, and social media have had on the digital world, SEO techniques may need to change as voice search technology advances along with the digital marketing agency

Voice search is expanding more quickly than text search as artificial intelligence technology develops thanks to digital assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Google Home, and Microsoft’s Cortana as the best content strategy.

Timothy Turtle, a speech interface specialist, claims that voice search increased from 0% to 10% of total global search volume in 2015. Additionally, he came to the conclusion that the rise was equal to 50 billion searches each month.

The majority of large companies understand the value of organic search and have effectively included SEO into their marketing plans. However, as voice search alters how we hunt for information online, new technologies is already starting to have an impact on SEO. In fact, according to Google research, 75% of consumers claim that new speech technologies have made them use voice search on mobile devices more frequently.

Although voice search still has a long way to go before it can match traditional text-based search inquiries, now is a crucial time for marketing professionals to optimize their SEO approach and be on an equal footing with their rivals.

User of voice search

According to NorthStar Research, 41% of adults and 55% of teenagers (ages 13 to 18) use voice search frequently. The variety of inquiries included dialling a contact, getting help with homework, looking up movie times, and getting directions.

Due to their affinity with mobile devices and the fact that digital assistants deliver information fast and accurately, teens appear to have swiftly adopted the usage of voice search.

The study also found that voice search is typically used when multitasking, with 23% of adults using voice search while cooking and 54% of teens using voice search while socializing with peers.

Despite the fact that voice search is still in its infancy commercially, the research reveals that there are many methods in which users search and that there are chances for marketers to profit from this including the digital marketing agency.

Asia has seen a rise in the use of voice search, with Google launching its 2015 Google App campaign in Vietnam using voice search as the main theme.

SEO and voice searches

Beyond just using keywords and voice recognition, voice search also uses voice understanding to decipher meaning and context. This makes it possible for mobile devices to answer with idiomatic expressions and pertinent search results.

In essence, voice search largely relies on long-tail keywords that naturally appear in human speech and reveal a user’s intent. In order to attract qualified traffic to their websites in the future, businesses will need to review the content of their online presence makes the best content strategy.

Short-tail keywords like “plumber” or “emergency plumber” would not provide the same search results if a user types into their mobile device while at home, “I need a plumber to fix a leak in my bathroom.”

In order to provide the user with more relevant results, voice search is more likely to consider the user’s location, content from multiple plumber websites, external content, and social signals.

This indicates that content is still crucial to ranking higher for voice search results in an era where mobile users dominate voice search usage.

Key natural phrases should now be used while creating content instead of only using single keywords.

Four suggestions for maximizing voice search

Research on the effects of voice search and how it will impact business in the future is still in its early stages of digital marketing agency. However, there are still a number of ways that firms may modify their current SEO approach to take voice search consumers into account given the quantity of data we already have.

Analytical natural search

When considering a new business strategy, SEO specialists always begin with keyword research.  There is currently no reliable way to identify users that arrive at a marketer’s website via voice search, however it is rumoured that Google will eventually add this functionality to Google Analytics.

The greatest place to start before developing new content is to look at search traffic metrics in analytics tools for natural language search queries.

Long-tail search terms

It’s usually advisable to take into account natural phrases that include long-tail keywords when writing content for voice search. The best content should effectively explain what the question means by utilizing both particular keywords and natural phrases and sentence structures.

Marketers must take into account what consumers desire and how they would express those wants verbally. In essence, what are the terms that are missing on either side of the keywords that a user would enter in a text search?

”Who”, ”what”, ”where”, and ”how” are often used words while utilizing voice search, especially on smartphones where users are more likely to ask queries while they’re on the go.

Adding a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page to a website would be a simple place to start. Including pertinent questions and answers about a company will raise its natural search ranking and drive targeted visitors to a website makes progressed for the digital marketing agency.

Another effective strategy for appearing in highlighted snippets on search results is to keep this information current.

combined with regional SEO

For both best content strategy and voice search, local SEO, and in particular local link building, is essential to getting high ranks in your target market. Results for voice searches will also benefit from tracking traffic from external sources. Search engines employ review websites like TripAdvisor, which are immensely popular in the goods and services sector, to give pertinent search results.

Online reviews account for 10% of how most search engines decide how to rank search results, according to Digi Knight’s Local Search Ranking Factors Survey.

Businesses must keep their online listings and contact information current, use microformats or structured data to enable search engines to pull this information to display results, and remember that voice searches are most frequently done on mobile devices.

Where can I get the best latte in London? is an example of a search query that would retrieve location information for coffee shops in the user’s neighbourhood, opening hours, and associated content pertaining to the phrase “best latte” to give the search results to the user.

During research, use voice search

Marketers should regularly use voice search to pose questions that they believe will drive consumers to their websites to check what ranks top, just like with conventional text-typed search. As information will be retrieved from many search engines, including Google and Bing, Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, this would also need the usage of numerous devices which makes great deals to digital marketing agency.

Businesses will grow more comfortable with various voice search inquiries as it becomes more widely used for research, which will help them produce more pertinent material that will score better for certain queries.

More than ever, marketers today must put the user first. The usage of the incorrect keywords will ultimately result from a lack of understanding of a customer’s relationship with a firm and their customer journey.

Marketing professionals would be wise to act sooner with voice search to inform their current SEO strategy because DigiKnight predicts that 70% of searches will be voice in 2023 and that a quarter of voice interactions would have purchase intent by 2024 as per digital marketing agency.

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